Software (Developed by Michael Holst and Collaborators)
The Center for Computational Mathematics
is home to a number of high-quality mathematical software packages
which have been designed, developed, and maintained by members of
the Center.
In 1994 I started working on an adaptive multilevel finite
element software package called MC, and on a number of interrelated
libraries and tools which are designed to be used with MC;
we informally refer to these libraries and tools as
the Finite Element ToolKit, or FETK for short.
FETK has been used successfully for various complex physical simulations in
general relativity,
Together with some colleagues, I maintain a separate
FETK website
for distributing MC and the other components of FETK.
Follow the FETK
website link above for more information about the various
components of FETK.
If you are a user of Randy Bank's PLTMG and are looking for SG,
you will find everything you need on the
FETK website.
If you are a student or colleague looking for the MCLite finite
element teaching tool, you will also find what you are looking for on the
FETK website.
FETK itself was developed beginning in 1994 in collaboration with
friends and colleagues using personal time and equipment, and since 1994
we have released this software publicly in source form under the GNU GPL
to have maximum positive impact on the scientific community.
However, my publicly funded research sometimes involves writing
additional software (FETK extensions)
that use the FETK libraries to solve specific
research problems; an example of this is the GPDE package
described here.
As a UC employee I cannot distribute this additional software
on my webpage due to current UC Copyright Policy.
However, if you are an academic researcher interested in the extensions I have
written for FETK to solve geometric PDE and other problems,
please contact me.
Here is some other freely redistributable software I have worked on:
is a non-adaptive algebraic multilevel
code for nonlinear scalar PDEs in 2D and 3D.
(PMG is now included in the PUNC library in FETK.)
- CgCode
is a package of conjugate gradient-type methods
for solving linear systems.
(CgCode code is now included in the PUNC library in FETK.)
Here is some other useful stuff:
- bench.c
is a simple benchmark code for sparse-matrix-vector operations.
- typechk.c
determines the 32-bit or 64-bit ANSI C-API of your platform.
- skeysh
is an extended S/key authentication shell.
- Win32 gzip.
- Win32 tar.
- Win32 generic utilities.
- Win32 ssh putty client (gui).
- Win32 ssh cmdline client
(for tunneling).
- Win32 ssh IMAP tunnel
script (can be modified for POP2/POP3/APOP).
- Information on the LiveGraphics3D applet on the right can be found
Tests for plugins:
- To test JAVA plugin, use the mouse to manipulate the 3D object
that appears an inch above this line.
- To test a PDF plugin click
- To test a Flash plugin click
Other links:
- A distribution area for people working with me on papers
and software can be found
- Doug Arnold's cool Moebius video can be found at