Math 273C (Scientific Computation)

Course Topics: Computational Mathematics
Instructor: Prof. Michael Holst (5739 AP&M,
Term: Spring 2006
Lecture: 1:00p-1:50p MWF, APM 5829
Textbook(s): D. Braess, Finite Elements: Theory, fast solvers, and applications in solid mechanics, 2nd edition, 2001.
Class webpage:

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: 273A-B-C. Scientific Computation (4-4-4)
Continuum mechanics models of physical and biological systems, finite element methods and approximation theory, complexity of iterative methods for linear and nonlinear equations, continuation methods, adaptive methods, parallel computing, and scientific visualization. Project-oriented; theoretical and software development projects designed around problems of current interest in science and engineering. Prerequisite: experience with Matlab and C, some background in numerical analysis, or consent of instructor. (F,W,S)

GRADES, EXAMS, DATES: Your grade in the course is based on your project and your 20-minute project presentation during the time of the final.
  • Final: Thursday 15 June 2006, 11:30am-2:30pm in APM 5829 (20-minute project presentations.)
  • First lecture: Monday 3 April 2006.
  • Last lecture: Friday 9 June 2006.
  • Finals week: 12-16 June 2006.
  • HOLIDAY: 29 May 2006 (Memorial Day; no class).
  • Friday 2 June 2006: I will give an MAE research lecture rather than our usual class lecture; the time is 1:30pm-2:30pm, and the room is 479 in EBU-2.

  • Friday 2 June 2006: I will give an MAE research lecture rather than our usual class lecture; the time is 1:30pm-2:30pm, and the room is 479 in EBU-2.
  • Access to the four main FEtk libraries:
    • The MALOC sources are here.
    • The PUNC sources are here.
    • The SG sources are here.
    • The MC and MCX sources can be obtained from me via email.