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Interest Groups

Interest Groups are the backbone of our Oceanids organization.  They are here to meet the many varied needs of UC San Diego families, especially those new to our campus and community.  If you have questions, please contact Interest Group Coordinator, Judy Vacquier.   If five or more Oceanids wish to start a new group, please let her know so we can ininform other members.  All we ask is that your members be Oceanids. If you are not yet a member of Oceanids, please consider joining us by contacting Mary Cutchin, marycutchin@yahoo.com or by submitting a membership form. (For specific activities for the current month, consult the current newsletter or the contact listed below.) 

Note to Interest Group Leaders:  All events outside of the University must be registered.  Please see instructions and links here.  Note:  The link for the insurance regisitration is now:



  Avi Set Birders Book Group Cafe Espanol
Cafe Francais Cinema Soiree Day Bridge
Evening Bridge German Kaffeeklatsch  
   Gourmet Group  
    Moveable Feast I Moveable Feast II
    Piano and Chamber Soiree  
  Sounding Board Tapas on Thursday Wednesday Coffee
   Wine Tasting I Wine Tasting II Wits II
Cellphone Photography
  Boogie Board Buddies

We will be highlighting our various Interest Groups throughout this year, with brief descriptions and happenings, as well as pictures.  A new group will be added, so check the site often.  Check us out at:  InterestHighlights.htm


Avi Set Birders                                                                        Top

Contacts:  Liz Winant, lwinant@gmail.com

We meet on the second Monday of the month during the academic year.  For meeting location, please consult the current Oceanids Newsletter or Liz. 

Boogie Board Buddies                                                           Top

Contact:  Liz Fong Wills, ludditelizfong@gmail.com

We meet every Saturday at  9:30am and/or Sunday at 10:30am all year round when the ocean water temperature at La Jolla Shores is 55oF or higher. However, attendance is when you can make it.  You must bring your own boogie board plus wetsuit if you feel the need for one.  Depending upon how many come, I may or may not have a parking spot for you in our driveway.  Please call before Thursday to let Liz know if you want to join us so that I can confirm that there are no riptides or other unpleasant problems on the day we go.

Book Group                                                                              Top

Contacts:  Liz Winant, lwinant@gmail.com, Janet Goff, janetrgoff@hotmail.com

We meet on the second Tuesday morning of every month at 9:30am for chatting and 10am for review.  Everyone is welcome; we are happy to greet new members who like to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction and who value good writing and a lively discussion.  Please join us.  Those sentiments still stand.  These days, though, The Mighty Oceanids Book Group is stumbling around between Zoom and in-person meetings on someone's patio.  This changes daily.  We also are quite reduced in number and would benefit from the participation of you and your friends.  We would love to have you in our jolly little group.  Our gatherings consist of 5 or 6 or 7 of us and there's always room for more. Be one of them!

Cafe Espanol                                                                           Top

Contact:  Alicia Flores Meneses, virginiacisne@yahoo.com  , Vicky Lindblade, vlindblade@mac.com

This conversation group is designed for fluent Spanish speakers who wish to keep up their Spanish and learn new vocabulary.  We meet on the second Thursday of the month at 2pm in person and occasionally the 4th Thursday by Zoom from 2 to 3:30pm. One hour of conversation and one hour of reading aloud and group discussion.  Please contact us for more information.

Cafe Francais                                                                          Top

Contact:  Anne-France Saillot, afsaillot@gmail.com

The French group meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month.  We meet at each other's homes from noon to 3:00pm.  and have a wonderful, lively group with members from all over the world with the love of the French language and culture in common.  We continue to talk about societal topics which create lively debates.  We take every opportunnity to check on grammar rules and vocabulary.    Please contact us for more information. 

Cellphone Photograpy                                                             Top

Contact:  Kim Signoret-Paar,kspaar@outlook.com

The group meets on Zoom the second Thursday of each month at 10am to noon for discussion/demonstration/instruction and sharing of our cellphone photographs.  Activities, such as field trips, will be communicated to the group's email list.  For more information, please contact Kim.

Cinema Soiree                                                                          Top

Contact:  Jim Bunch, jbunch@ucsd.edu

The group meets (at normal times) at a designated home on the second Sunday of each month (all year long) at 7pm for socializing; movie discussion starts at 7:30pm sharp.  Light refreshments will be served.  You will be contacted by e-mail about which movie to see and where to meet.  For more information, please contact Jim.

Currently watching movies on Netflix or Prime and meeting via Zoom.

Day Bridge                                                                             Top

Contact:  Beate Menzel, jrblmenzel@cox.net

We meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month all year long at various members' homes.  We start at 10am and usually end at or before 3pm.  Everyone brings her/his own lunch.  The hostess will provide drinks.  Please contact us for more information.

German Kaffeeklatsch                                                                         Top

Contact:  Roswitha Enright, enrightroswitha@gmail.com

This group is for beginners and experienced German speakers alike.  Gauranteed no pressure.  Just come on the 3rd Tuesday at 3 to 4:30pm and have a good time.  Only German spoken.  If you want to join, please contact Roswitha.


Moveable Feast II                                                                    Top

Contacts:  Mary Cutchin, marycutchin@yahoo.com

This group meets every couple of months for drinks at a member's house.  From there, we carpool to a TBD restaurant to dine out.  Please contact Mary for information and reservations.

Piano and Chamber Soiree                                                      Top

Contact:  Judy Vacquier, jvacq@sbcglobal.net

This interest group is for amateurs who need a motivation to practice and want to perform in a relaxed, fun setting among friends.  We welcome piano, chamber instruments and voice, classical, jazz and popular music, solos and ensembles.  The Piano Soiree has started meeting in person on the fourth Sunday at 3pm, currently at the Judy's home.  They have excellent ventilation, outdoor seating if desired, and outdoor refreshments.  Masks are recommended and social distancing is observed.  Please contact Judy for more information

Sounding Board                                                                       Top

Contact:  Host TBD, (Judy Vacquier, jvacq@sbcglobal.net , temporarily)

Sounding Board is a series of seven lectures during the academic year, the first Thursday of the month at 12 noon.  We meet online via Zoom.  The waiting Room opens at noon and the presentation starts at 12:10pm.  Our new URL for our recorded talks is https://www.youtube.com@ucsd_oceanids_soundingboard.   Please visit Sounding Board for more details.  

Tapas on Thursday                                                                  Top

Contact:  Barbara Bank, bbank@ucsd.edu

The strength of our group is the warmth we share.  If you wish to join us, please contact Barbara to be added to our mailing list. We meet at noon on the third Thursday of the month at member's homes.  Everyone brings a tapa to share.  It may be sweet or savory.  We frequently choose a theme for that month's tapas and have a delightful time while sharing food and friendship. 

Wednesday Coffee                                                                  Top

Contacts:  Georgina Sham, gbsham@gmail.com, Lynn Jahn, lynnjahn@gmail.com

Join our social group of Oceanids, newcomers, postdocs, spouses of visiting scholars and their children for refreshments and craft activities every Wednesday, 10 a.m. – 12pm.  You'll make friends, learn strange and wonderful customs and sometimes we practice folk dancing!  Please contact Georgina or Lynn for more information and location.  We are currently meeting at the conference room at La Jolla Village Square, next to the AMC Theater.

Wine Tasting I                                                                          Top

Contact:  Alicia Flores Meneses, virginiacisne@yahoo.com

Exploring the taste sensations of a new wine or an old vintage, this group meets the third Friday monthly.  Members rotate as hosts. This group is now open to new members.  Please contact Alicia for more information.

Wine Tasting II                                                                        Top

Contact:  Alicia Flores Meneses, virginiacisne@yahoo.com

We meet monthly.  Members rotate as hosts.  The cost for wine and food is shared among the people attending, approximately $10 per person.  Please contact Alicia for more information.