DD 20 Technical Schedule at a Glance

NOTE: All DD20 events will be held in the following rooms located at SDSC, unless otherwise noted:

Auditorium   =    Rooms B210-211-212 combined (separating wall retracted)
B210   =    1/3 of the Auditorium (separating wall in place)
B211-212   =    2/3 of the Auditorium (separating wall in place)
B143-144   =    First conference room located one floor up from Auditorium
B145   =    Second conference room located one floor up from Auditorium

Below is the DD20 schedule at a glance. Links to the detailed printable schedule and book of abstracts are on the left.

SUN 2/6   9:00-  5:00 DD Short Course (Widlund) AP&M 2402 (NOTE: Not at SDSC)
MON 2/7   7:45-  8:00 Opening Remarks (Chancellor Fox, Dean Thiemens) Auditorium
  8:00-  9:30 Plenary (P1 - Yserentant, Hou) Auditorium
  9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-12:00 Parallel Sessions (M8, M15p1, M7) B211-212, B210, B143-144
12:00-  1:30 Lunch
  1:30-  2:15 Plenary (P2 - Farhat) Auditorium
  2:15-  2:45 Coffee Break
  2:45-  4:45 Parallel Sessions (M3p1, M15p2, M6, C1) B211-212, B210, B143-144, B145
  5:00-  6:30 Poster Session and Reception Auditorium
TUE 2/8   8:00-  9:30 Plenary (P3 - Maday, Bell) Auditorium
  9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-12:00 Parallel Sessions (M3p2, M17p1, M10, C2) B211-212, B210, B143-144, B145
12:00-  1:30 Lunch
  1:30-  3:00 Plenary (P4 - UCSD 50th - Associate Dean Remmel;
       Norman, Somerville, McCammon)
  3:00-  3:30 Coffee Break
  3:30-  5:50 Parallel Sessions (M3p3, M17p2, M9, C3) B211-212, B210, B143-144, B145
  6:30-  9:30 Special Dinner for the Plenary Speakers TBA (NOTE: Not at SDSC)
WED 2/9   8:00-  9:30 Plenary (P5 - Scheichl, Chen) Auditorium
  9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-12:00 Parallel Sessions (M3p4, M12p1, M11p1, C4) B211-212, B210, B143-144, B145
12:00-  1:30 Lunch
  1:30-  2:15 Plenary (P6 - Dohrmann) Auditorium
  2:15-  2:45 Coffee Break
  2:45-  5:05 Parallel Sessions (M3p5, M12p2, M11p2, C5) B211-212, B210, B143-144, B145
  5:30-  7:30 Meeting of the Scientific Committee AP&M 2402 (NOTE: Not at SDSC)
THU 2/10   8:00-  9:30 Plenary (P7 - Dostal, Zou) Auditorium
  9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-12:00 Parallel Sessions (M2p1, M14, M16p1, M13) B211-212, B210, B143-144, B145
12:00-  1:30 Lunch
  1:30-  2:15 Plenary (P8 - Dahmen) Auditorium
  2:15-  2:45 Coffee Break
  2:45-  5:05 Parallel Sessions (M2p2, M1, M16p2, C6) B211-212, B210, B143-144, B145
  6:30-  9:30 Banquet (Dinner served at 7:15) Faculty Club (NOTE: Not at SDSC)
FRI 2/11   8:00-  9:30 Plenary (P9 - Dolean, Xu) Auditorium
  9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-12:00 Parallel Sessions (M2p3, M5, M18, M19) B211-212, B210, B143-144, B145
12:00-      Close of Conference Auditorium



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UCSD 50th