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The Future of Research Computing: IBM's Perspective and Experience

Janis E. Landry-Lane


Please join IBM on June 4th in a discussion on the future of Research Computing. IBM specialist Janis Landry-Lane will present and discuss IBM�s work in the area of research computing. The topics of discussion are as follows: 1. Trend, vision, and roadmap for research infrastructure: Industry trends, IBM vision and roadmap for high-performance computing, GRID + HPC � Competitors or Allies?, Deployment models based on application optimization, Green computing. 2. Solutions for shared research infrastructure: Condo model for sharing computation resources, Cloud computing for dynamic virtualization and provisioning of resources, Green Computing, Enabling collaboration. 3. Building partnership around research infrastructure: IBM University Alliance Program, IBM University Relations, Research collaboration with IBM, Joint grants (NSF, NIH, DOE, DOD, ARRA stimulus, state), Models of public/private partnership. 4. Open Discussion.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
11:00AM AP&M 2402