CSME Doctoral Program: The Computational Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Graduate Program (CSME) at UCSD is a campus-wide interdisciplinary Ph.D. program designed to train the next generation of scientists, mathematicians, and engineers in the use of modern tools of computational science. The CSME Program involves six core physical science and engineering departments at UCSD: Chemistry & Biochemistry, Computer Science & Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Physics, and Structural Engineering. The CSME doctoral program involves modification of the standard graduate degree requirements in those departments; the modifications are designed to allow students to complete additional requirements to earn a computational science specialization to their doctoral degree. The Ph.D. program began accepting applications in Fall 2007, and there are currently about 30 doctoral students in one of the six core departments at UCSD that are also participating in the CSME doctoral program. Complete information about the CSME Ph.D. Program can be found on the [ CSME Website ]. Information specific to the Mathematics/CSME aspects of the CSME Program may be found [ HERE ]. |
CSME and Math Masters Programs: The CSME M.S. Program was approved by the UC System in Fall 2009, and is the first degree-granting Computational Science Graduate Program in the UC System. The CSME M.S. Program will launch in Fall 2010, and UCSD will start accepting students into this new interdisciplinary M.S. Program in Spring 2010. For more information about the CSME M.S. graduate program at UCSD, see the [ CSME Website ]. |
| Undergraduate Research Opportunities: The CCoM faculty jointly operate a very active summer research program for undergraduate students who wish to participate in Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). Each summer we typically have between 2-5 undergraduate research students participating in research projects, involving daily interaction with doctoral and postdoctoral researchers as well as CCoM faculty. REU students both self-study and participate in weekly group meetings, and are required to write up their results by learning to use LaTeX and other supporting software tools. The goal is to produce a written work that can be submitted for publication in a reasonable journal. REU students are provided with space in the CCoM lab for the summer, and are given access to an advanced graphics workstation (typically a new Apple iMac). For a list of some of the former REU students and the types of projects they participated in, click [ HERE ]. If you are interested in an REU-type experience, contact one of the CCoM faculty working in your area of interest. |