RTG-CCoM Undergraduate Researchers
The Center for Computational Mathematics
in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, San Diego
invites applications for three undergraduate researchers
in applied mathematics,
computational science, or mathematical physics that are funded under a
NSF Research Training Group (RTG) grant. Applicants should be
UCSD undergraduate students majoring in
mathematics or a related discipline, with interests aligned with one or
more of the five focus projects: (i) new algorithms for parallel
computation with adaptive multilevel finite elements; (ii) optimization with
ordinary or partial differential equation constraints;
(iii) structure-preserving numerical methods for field theories and
interconnected systems; (vi) geometric numerical methods for applications
in mathematical physics; and (v) numerical methods for quantum computation.
Students interested in writing a senior thesis on one of these topics are
especially encouraged to apply.
These positions include a financial stipend of $1k/month for up to eight months.
Interested students should provide an application (as a PDF file)
containing at least the following information.
- Your contact information
- Your goals in applying for this position
- Your areas of interest
- Your background preparation, including classes you have taken,
internships, etc
The PDF file should be emailed as an attachment to
Additional information about the RTG can be found at