Visitor Information

List of recommended local hotels (ordered by preference): DelMar
Main contact numbers for the two hotels we often recommend in Del Mar, and the two primary taxi services we use (covering all of San Diego):
  • Del Mar Inn: 1-858-755-9765
  • Hotel Indigo: 1-858-755-1501 (formerly Stratford Inn)
  • Yellow Cab: 1-619-234-6161
  • San Diego Cab: 1-619-226-8294

Directions, parking, maps, and other useful UCSD-related information: APM
Maps for some surounding places:
Visitor Guides to Del Mar, La Jolla, and the Greater San Diego Area: SanDiego
La Jolla Weather Forcast:
Here is a map to CCoM and of the area around CCoM at UCSD:

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