Some Remarks On W^{s,p} Interior Elliptic Regularity Estimates
Local Sensitivity Analysis of the "Membrane Shape Equation" Derived From the Helfrich Energy
Sobolev-Slobodeckij Spaces on Compact Manifolds, Revisited
Some Remarks on the Space of Locally Sobolev-Slobodeckij Functions
An Analysis of the Conformal Formulation of the Einstein Constraint Equations on Asymptotically Flat Manifolds (PhD Dissertation)
On Certain Geometric Operators Between Sobolev Spaces of Sections of Tensor Bundles on Compact Manifolds Equipped with Rough Metrics
Multiplication in Sobolev Spaces, Revisited
Rough solutions of the Einstein Constraint Equations on Asymptotically Flat Manifolds without Near-CMC Conditions
RKPM with Augmented Corrected Collocation Method for Treatment of Material Discontinuities
A unified approach to the mathematical analysis of generalized RKPM, gradient RKPM, and GMLS
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Generalized RKPM and Gradient RKPM (M.Sc. Thesis)