Confirmed Participants for Sunday Workshop at UCSD

Randolph Bank UC San Diego
Long Chen UC Irvine
Alan Demlow University of Kentucky
Richard Falk Rutgers University
Andrew Gillette UC San Diego
Michael Holst UC San Diego
Lee Lindblom Caltech
Melvin Leok UC San Diego
Tomoki Ohsawa UC San Diego
Tanya Shingel UC San Diego
Ari Stern UC San Diego
Ryan Szypowski Cal Poly Pomona
Gantumur Tsotgterel McGill University
Joris Vankerschaver UC San Diego
Yunrong Zhu UC San Diego

NOTE: We have space for about 25 people. If you are planning to come and are not listed above, just send a short email to [  ] so we can plan accordingly.