This section serves as a reference guide to DNOPT. We recommend the user read the DNOPT User’s Guide for detailed information on using DNOPT.



subroutine dnBegin
&   ( iPrint, iSumm, cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     iPrint, iSumm, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
&     cw(lencw)*8
double precision
&     rw(lenrw)

dnBegin is the initialization routine for DNOPT. The user must define the Fortran file unit numbers iPrint and iSumm for the print and summary output files. To turn off output on either of these streams, set the unit number to 0. The user must open the files for writing and associate them with the assigned unit numbers.

On exit, the workspace arrays are initialized to undefined or default values.


subroutine dnBeginF
&   ( printfile, summaryfile, iPrint, iSumm,
&     cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     printfile, summaryfile
&     iPrint, iSumm, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
&     cw(lencw)*8
double precision
&     rw(lenrw)

dnBeginF is an alternative initialization routine for DNOPT. The user passes the filenames of the print and summary output files. To turn off output on either stream, set the filename to ''. To send the summary output to standard output, set summaryfile to screen.

On exit, the assigned Fortran file unit numbers iPrint and iSumm for the print and summary files are returned. The workspace arrays are also initialized to undefined or default values.


subroutine dnEndF
&   ( cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
&     cw(lencw)*8
double precision
&     rw(lenrw)

dnEndF should be called if the user uses dnBeginF or dnSpecF. This routine closes any opened files.

Solving with DNOPT

subroutine dnopt
&   ( start, n, mLCon, mNCon, nnJac, nnObj,
&     problemName, Names, nNames, iObj, objAdd,
&     funcon, funobj,
&     state, A, ldA, bl, bu,
&     fObj, gObj, fCon, JCon, ldJ, H, ldH,
&     objAll, nInf, sInf, x, y,
&     INFO, mincw, miniw, minrw,
&     cu, lencu, iu, leniu, ru, lenru,
&     cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     none
&     funcon, funobj
&     iObj, INFO,
&     ldA, ldJ, ldH,
&     lencw, leniw, lenrw, lencu, leniu, lenru,
&     n, mLCon, mNCon, nnJac, nnObj, nNames, nInf,
&     mincw, miniw, minrw, start,
&     state(n+mNCon+mLCon),
&     iu(leniu), iw(leniw)
 double precision
&     objAdd, objAll, fObj, sInf, A(ldA,*),
&     bl(n+mNCon+mLCon), bu(n+mNCon+mLCon), gObj(n),
&     fCon(ldJ), JCon(ldJ,*), H(ldH,*),
&     x(n+mNCon+mLCon), y(n+mNCon+mLCon),
&     ru(lenru), rw(lenrw)
&     problemName*8, Names(nNames)*8, cu(lencu)*8, cw(lencw)*8

The DNOPT interface accepts a format that allows the constraints and variables to be defined in any order. The optimization problem is assumed to be in the form

\[ \begin{align} \min_x \quad & f_0(x) \\ \text{subject to} \quad & \ell \le \begin{pmatrix}x \\ f(x) \\ Ax \end{pmatrix} \le u \\ \end{align} \]

where the upper and lower bounds are constant, \(f_0(x)\) is the smooth scalar objective function, \(f(x)\) defines the nonlinear constraint functions, and \(A\) is the linear constraint matrix. (The option Maximize specifies that \(f_0(x)\) should be maximized instead of minimized.)

Ideally, the first derivatives (gradients) of \(f_0\) and \(f(x)\) should be known and coded by the user. If only some gradients are known, DNOPT estimates the missing ones by finite differences. See the option ‘Derivative level’ for more information.

The user-defined subroutines funcon and funobj define the nonlinear constraint and nonlinear component of the objective functions and ideally their gradients.

subroutine funcon
&   ( mode, mNCon, nnJac,
&     x, fCon, JCon, ldJ, status,
&     cu, lencu, iu, leniu, ru, lenru )

&     lencu, leniu, lenru, mode, mNCon, nnJac, ldJ, nState,
&     iu(leniu)
double precision
&     fCon(mNCon), ru(lenru), x(nnJac)
&     cu(lencu)*8
double precision   JCon(nnJac,ldJ)
subroutine funobj
&   ( mode, nnObj, x, fObj, gObj, status,
&     cu, lencu, iu, leniu, ru, lenru )

&     lencu, leniu, lenru, mode, nnObj, status, iu(leniu)
double precision
&     fObj, gObj(nnObj), ru(lenru), x(nnObj)
&     cu(lencu)*8

We refer the user to Section 4 of the DNOPT User’s Guide for detailed information on how the problem should be structured for DNOPT.

Setting and Getting Options


subroutine dnSpec
&   ( iSpecs, INFO, cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )
&     iSpecs, INFO, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
double precision
&     rw(lenrw)
&     cw(lencw)*8

dnSpec reads options from a file. iSpecs should be set by the user to the Fortran file unit number associated with the specifications file. The file should also be opened for reading. If options are successfully read, the routine returns an iExit value of 101 or 107. The workspace arrays will be appropriately updated with the options.


subroutine dnSpecF
&   ( specsfile, INFO, cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )
&     specsfile
&     INFO, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
double precision
&     rw(lenrw)
&     cw(lencw)*8

dnSpecF is an alternative routine for reading options from a file. specsfile should be set to the specifications filename. If options are successfully read, the routine returns an iExit value of 101 or 107. The workspace arrays will be appropriately updated with the options.


subroutine dnSet
&   ( option, iPrint, iSumm, Errors,
&             cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     option
&     Errors, iPrint, iSumm, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
double precision
&     rw(lenrw)
&     cw(lencw)*8

dnSet is called to set an option. The input argument option should be a character string containing the keyword of the option to modify and the desired value (in character format).


subroutine dnSetInt
&   ( option, ivalue, iPrint, iSumm, Errors,
&                     cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     option
&     Errors, ivalue, iPrint, iSumm, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
double precision
&     rw(lenrw)
&     cw(lencw)*8

dnSetI is called to set an integer-valued option. The input argument option should be a character string containing the keyword of the option to modify. ivalue is the desired integer value.


subroutine dnSetReal
&   ( option, rvalue, iPrint, iSumm, Errors,
&                     cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     option
&     Errors, iPrint, iSumm, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
double precision
&     rvalue, rw(lenrw)
&     cw(lencw)*8

dnSetR is called to set an real-valued option. The input argument option should be a character string containing the keyword of the option to modify. rvalue is the desired real value.


subroutine dnGetChar
&   ( option, cvalue, Errors, cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     option
&     Errors, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
&     cvalue*8, cw(lencw)*8
double precision
&     rw(lenrw)

dnGetChar is called to retrieve an option value. The input argument option should be a character string containing the keyword of the option to modify. cvalue is a character string containing the value of the option in character format. Errors indicates the number of errors encountered while retrieving the option value.


subroutine dnGetInt
&   ( option, ivalue, Errors, cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     option
&     Errors, ivalue, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
&     cw(lencw)*8
double precision
&     rw(lenrw)

dnGetInt is called to retrieve an integer-valued option. The input argument option should be a character string containing the keyword of the option to modify. ivalue will contain the value of the option. Errors indicates the number of errors encountered while retrieving the option value.


subroutine dnGetReal
&   ( option, rvalue, Errors, cw, lencw, iw, leniw, rw, lenrw )

&     option
&     Errors, lencw, leniw, lenrw, iw(leniw)
&     cw(lencw)*8
double precision
&     rvalue, rw(lenrw)

dnGetReal is called to retrieve a real-valued option. The input argument option should be a character string containing the keyword of the option to modify. rvalue will contain the value of the option. Errors indicates the number of errors encountered while retrieving the option value.